Thursday, January 25, 2007

Top 10 Reasons Why I Love American Idol

1. Simon
2. Paula Abdul high on pills 98% of the time
3. People that can't sing
4. People that can't sing but think that they can
5. People that can't sing and only go on the show for their five minutes of fame(embarrassment)
6. People that can sing but totally fuck up the words of the song or just forget them completely
7. People that can sing but are too, shall I say it, hideously ugly to compete (I feel bad for you ugys, I really do)
8. People that get extremely mad once they are rejected, especially the ones that don't seem to understand why they were rejected in the first place
9. People that keep singing and won't leave once they are rejected
10. People that can't sing and obviously have some sort of mental problem

This is cruel, haha, but it's the truth


Anonymous said...

hey, don't make fun of us hideously ugly people ;) ~Vanessa

Anonymous said...

i think this should be our ritual, American Idol :)
