Thursday, January 04, 2007

Jack Frost Where Are You?

I never thought I would say this...but...where the hell is winter?! Trees should not be budding, it's friggin January for Christ's sake. This is really messing up my yearly routine. It should NOT be 55-60 degrees right now. Don't get me wrong, I love warm weather, in fact, I hate the cold. However, during the winter I tend to fuel my creativity with a lot of reading, writing, drawing, playing my guitar etc because I really don't want to go outside and there's not much else to do. And now I feel completely thrown off balance, more so than usual. I have this feeling about me like everything has been meshed together, unnaturally. I like the changing of the seasons because it gives me a concept of time, not only of the present, but of the past and future as well. I want it to snow so I can go outside and roll around in it (for a very brief amount of time, then I'll enjoy it from a distance) and remember all of the times we turned my front porch steps into a ramp, or all the times I busted my ass trying to make it from the Poly parking lot to the school building (damn those city schools for their lack of available salt), and to feel the excitement of the possibilty of getting out of school. I miss these things right now, in fact, I crave them. I want to walk outside and smell the cold crisp air, I am tired of the smell of rain. I'm seriously considering permenantly wearing my pajamas inside out until I see some changes. I'm that desparate.

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