Friday, January 05, 2007

Save Me

Lost in a deep sea of desire
You hunt me in these waters
I can't tread these feelings forever
Eventually I will drown in you

You constantly cast me into the deep end
I shiver in your dark and cold places
Your warmth is too deep for me to reach
Save me from this storm

Dry land and shelter taunt me
But this is where I choose to stay
My pain is my comfort
My struggle is my purpose

One day I'll swim to shore
Leaving myself with you in that sea
I won't have my pain to guide me
But I'll have the warmth of the sun

The shade of the trees
The air in my lungs

~I actually write a lot of poetry, however, I am even more critical when it comes to my poems than I am when it comes to my writing. So, in efforts to be more brave, I decided to post this.


Maureen said...

You should be brave more often, I like reading your poetry :)

Amanda said...

Haha, I'm trying, I'm trying

Anonymous said...

you truly have talent...truly. you can drown in me and be completely safe. ~V