Friday, January 19, 2007

School Days...Rule Days...

School is only a few days away and needless to say the frequent entries will soon come to an end. This semester should be fun though. I don't have any upper level biology courses this semester to torture me along with my Vet courses. Not to mention my clinical procedures for large animals class has its lab on a farm. Yes, haha, a farm. I will be spending every Wednesday for the next three months on a farm learning how to administer shots, draw blood, float teeth etc of all the animals I'd rather be at home eating instead of fighting, except horses, I don't think I could eat a horse. Note the word fighting is used here instead of helping, they don't want you to help them and they will do anything in their power to prevent it. Either way, my love for helping animals has its limits, and spending all day on a farm wrestling pigs might be one of them, we'll see. Its just unfortunate that large animal medicine is on the state boards, so I have to learn it. Though, you never know, the knowledge I gain from the farm might come in handy some day. However, if any of you notice that I start chewing tobacco, spitting into tin buckets, chewing on straw, wearing overalls and speaking with a southern accent, please tell me.


I don't want to go back. This is the problem that I have with school, it is too routine. When I slip into a routine and it is consistant for too long I start to feel robotic and therefore depressed. This is definitely one of those instances where I just contradict myself completely. For a person that hates change, I also desparately need it in my life. I need excitement, danger and everything in between. This is why I will work at an emergency hospital. There is so much emotion in an emergency hospital setting, so much hard work, so much struggle, so much sadness...I belong there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

um...struggle can show an individual just how tough he/she really are and how much of a burden he/she can realistically handle. Sadness...i don't know you, but i would say you don't deserve that, or deserve to work in a place that has a lot of it.
