Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Time Machine

I was walking to my car the other day and our neighbor, this 50 some yr old woman, starts to talk to me. I hate it when this happens, I just want to get in my car and go. Though, while I was trying to pay attention to whatever it was that she was talking to me about I noticed that she had the same exact reading glasses as I do or at least my old ones, I got new ones for christmas. Either way, this freaked me out. I suppose I am just going to have to one day accept the inevitable truth that I am a 50 yr old woman trapped inside a 20 yr olds body. I often think that I was just born in the wrong time period. I think I belong back in the 20s/30s when there was swing dancing and people were actually polite to each other. I just don't get people these days. Nobody has any respect for anyone. The thing that bothers me the most is that it just seems like most people lack the ability to love or even empathize with other people. Nobody cares about anyone but themselves. And so it leaves us to slamming doors in each others faces, bumping into each other on the street, constant contact, yet, we are all so disconnected.

I am also guilty of this. In fact, I'm sure that I lack most social skills that I am suppose to have acquired by now. However, I will always hold a door for someone and I will always say excuse me if I'm trying to pass someone on the street. I may be completely awkward when thrust into social situations, but at least I am polite.

Strand me on an island any day, away from these people, really...a log cabin in the mountains even sounds nice.

It's funny...I was watching a comedian the other day and he made a really good point. He said the squarer the shape of the state, the more boring and desolate it is. Perhaps I should move to Wyoming or North Dakota...Anyway, I was laughing hysterically because Maryland is the most fucked up looking state of them all, haha, and here I am. I don't know, I guess I fit in here, I'm definitely squiggly around the edges.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are squiggly indeed :)

and yes, Everyone needs to learn to empathize. Everyone.

We should swing dance, i think i was meant to live back then as well :) that is perhaps where we met before...? V