Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Obama 08

Now-I have had a roller coaster of emotions when it comes to Barack Obama. All through the primary and when he first won the nomination I was just hating everything about him but I eventually realized it was a big majority of his supporters (rich college kids that jumped on the "its cool to vote for Obama" band wagon) that I disliked, not actually him. So soon enough I warmed up to him and the idea that at least Hillary would get the VP nomination. I also watched his biography and that really left me feeling inspired; but then he goes and chooses Biden and I don't really have an issue with Biden, I like him, I just know that Hillary would do a better job as the VP of this country than him and she freaking deserved it. So once again I was mad at Obama. The story doesn't end here though because I have to say-after seeing Michelle Obama's speech last night I am oficially convinced that I like him. She did such an amazing job, I was extremely impressed. I was just sitting here thinking, wow, that is Obama's wife right there and then I just felt really good about the whole Obama thing again. Plus, they're an attractive bunch, I mean, would you rather look at them or McCain for 4 years? Anyway, Hillary's speech is tonight and I can't wait. She's giving him all of her delegates-because shes classy :)

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