So I had a very eventful weekend. It was my friend's birthday and his girlfriend and I spoiled him the entire time. Friday we took him to the club and I got him drunk, he did the same for me when it was my birthday, except he was turning 29 but I still wanted to return the favor (have my revenge). While we were at the club I was practicing different ways to get rid of men that want to hit on me. I have tried many things, I've gone to the club in a plain white t-shirt and jeans before and that didn't even work. Anyway, I think I may have discovered something amazing-the thumbs up. Not only does this seem to confuse them, but I think it may scare them a little bit as well. I was dancing with my friends and this guy starts to approach me, he is saying something to me but I'm already ignoring him and out of nowhere, I'm not sure what possessed me, I gave him a thumbs up. He got the strangest look on his face and then he kept on walking. My friends and I laughed and we decided to test this further, sure enough, it got rid of every guy that started to talk to me, gold mine! I tested this out in the car today as well. I'm sitting at a red light and the usual creepy guy in a truck pulls up next to me and starts to stare, I look back at him and unleash the thumbs up. He looked very confused and immediately stopped staring, it also looked like he was trying to figure out how a retarded girl got a license because I definitely started to laugh to myself about the whole thumbs up thing. By the way, I have been driving so much lately that my left arm is
visibly tanner than my right, just thought I'd share.
Saturday we went to his kick ball games, I REALLY wanted to play. I think I might join one of their leagues, it could be a fun summer thing to do. I miss being part of a team, even though I wouldn't necessarily consider kick ball a sport, it still looked like a hell of a lot of fun. It's more of like an adult social club type thing where you drink beer at the game and have a good time. I could drink beer and have a good time but I'm also extremely competitive and would definitely have to win, not all of the time but most of the time. Speaking of my competitive nature, Sunday we went and played miniature golf and yes, I lost (you still owe me 20 bucks Josh, I don't care that it was your birthday weekend, man up!).
Finally, I will be retreating to Chincoteague this weekend for a nice, relaxing time at the beach with my close friends to further celebrate his birthday. Man, I'm starting to think we are all just looking for an excuse to celebrate something. Anyway, my grandparents have a house there and I think it will be good for me to get away and get my mind off of things and drink, don't forget the drinking. Everyone knows that any good beach house is made up of 90% liquor and my grandmother is native american so enough said there. Not to mention going for a walk on the beach at night is one of my favorite things to do, minus the various creatures that inhabit the beach at night, but we usually get along. Stories to come next week.
Just imagining you giving the thumbs up to random guys is making me laugh out loud, haha.
Its even funnier in person, next time you hang out with me I'll do it, haha
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