In celebration of my emancipation I got a new tattoo last Saturday. Apparently the foot is one of the most painful places to get a tattoo, and I must say, it hurt a lot more than my other tat. In the midst of the tattooing the guy that was doing it stops and looks up at me, and I could tell he had some kind of realization, and he says to me, "Are you a lesbian?" Ha ha, I thought that was so funny, I said yes and then he says, "Good, cause I was going to say, this is pretty gay." Ha ha, classic moment for me, classic and then he started to hit on me, is that some kind of an ego thing with straight men or what? Anyways, it will look a lot better once it has healed, the yellow looks orange because I'm a bleeder.
Have a happy thanksgiving!
P.S. I got the job at Barnes & Noble
That's hot baby :)
Yay on getting the job! Also, the tatt looks awesome, I love the coloring, even if it is "gay".
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