Thursday, November 08, 2007

Its Been A While

So yeah, I know, I've been neglecting the crap out of my blog lately, but, a lot has been going on. So, right, updates. As of last week I moved out of my house and I am staying with some friends (I freaking love you guys). I'm also currently looking for a second job, I have an interview at Barnes & Noble today, woo...I'm going to be hopefully working there for the holiday season and mainly its just to hold me over until I obtain my bartending certification and then a job somewhere doing that. Once I secure the bartending job I'll be bringing in enough income to move into my own apartment and thus get off of my friend's sofa bed. So, that is the plan/goal. There's not really much else going on in my life, my current job is good, girlfriend is great, I'm a little pissed at my dad but that should fade. Anyways, how are you guys?


Maureen said...

Geez dude, what happened??

Anonymous said...

I am proud of you and I love you :)
