Jinx had an extremely rough day building her spice rack for wood shop. I, on the other hand, never took wood shop, I took sheet metal. I still have the scar on my left middle finger from using the ridiculously over-sized soldering iron they gave us to work worth. I mean, it was impossible not to burn yourself at least once a day in that class. Seriously, the soldering irons they gave us to use were the size of hammers, yet, the one the teacher used to do the demonstration (what our model was compared to for grading purposes) was the size of a pencil and easily maneuvered, how is this fair? So, my candle stick holder looked like shit. I'm so glad high school is over. I say that like I haven't been out of high school for the past three years, ha ha, it doesn't feel like that long ago...
Philosophy for today:
Know your best quality, your outstanding gift. Cultivate it and nurture all the rest. All people could have achieved eminence in something if only they had known what they excelled at. Identify your king of attributes and apply it in double strength. Some excel at judgment and others at courage. Most people force their intelligence and achieve superiority in nothing. Their own passions blind and flatter them until-too late!-time gives them the lie.
1 comment:
I shudder when i think about you anywhere near any sharp/power tool.
or, you know, in the Rain Forest exhibit at the aquarium ;)
I do love you though, very much. :)
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