Above you'll see a picture of President Bush, President Fox of Mexico, and Prime Minister Harper of Canada. During a discussion with my dad yesterday about 9/11 he brought up the very real and scary possibility of the North American Union. I was appalled by the things he showed and told me. Apparently the Bush administration is pursuing the idea of pretty much erasing our borders with Mexico and Canada to form one country and therefore allowing unimpeded movement of people (not that its very hard right now anyway) across all the borders. And perhaps the fact that its not very hard in the first place is to create a reason for pursuing the NAU. A ton of illegal immigrants are here already, why not just let them in, right? I'm sure there are a lot of things that Bush has done in order to make this idea seem like a good one. Like putting our country in debt, ignoring the immigration laws, creating a war...Perhaps the war on terrorism is the biggest one of those, pouring billions and billions of dollars into a cause that may have been created/allowed by the government in the first place and why? This could be one of the reasons.
After letting this marinate for a while I began to realize what this really means. The United States of America would cease to exist. We're talking about an entire new currency system (the Amero above), we're talking about completely throwing out the Constitution and therefore all of our expressed (not practiced) freedoms it contains, we're talking about less jobs for "Americans", we're talking about poverty, we're talking about another depression (due to the possible dollar drop?), we're talking about losing everything, we're talking about the possibility of another civil war...
I mean, I am outraged by this, honestly, I don't even really know what to say or do. Check out the CNN videos below.
Peers-let me know what you think, we're going to be drastically affected by this if it actually occurs.
Eh, you heard me rant about this for almost an hour last night, so i will just leave you with this simple phrase, "I am so irate right now i beat the crap out of Bush and his stupid administration." i'm discussing this with as many people as possible in hopes to educate others for obvious reasons.
whatever happened to checks and balances for Christ's Sake?
I looked into this yesterday and did some research. the coins are a hoax, theres a guy who is selling them on his website, he makes them himself. the NAU isnt entirely a hoax, but its an exaggeration. also not likely because it wouldnt be possible to accomplish this in the next 15 months, and in 15 months? no more bush. ya never know tho, maybe in the next 20 years.
Thanks for the info :) And yes, still a scary possibility
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